The Morality Of Using Stem Cells

In August the news is supposed to slow. This month, however, has been as busy as any other month for important news. Bill Frist, Senate majority leader, ended this session of Congress by announcing his support for stem cell research. Wasn't that debate big six months ago? Didn't Ron Reagan, Jr. stand up at the Democratic National Convention and speak in support of stem cell research last summer? Where was Dr. Come Lately then? Dr. Frist is trying to position himself as a moderate who loves the people so that he can run for president in 2008. Did you see him at NASCAR Cola-Coca 600? He looked about as comfortable as Ralph Nader in a Hummer.

The above is a 33-year-old lady. Before her diagnosis she presented with the following symptoms fevers for to weeks gum pain and bleeding headaches VSEL Stem Cells and diarrhea.

Take a paper clip and make a tiny scratch on the back of your hand. You don't need to draw blood and you don't need to make it long--a quarter of an inch will do.

"The idea that a stem cell has the power to make its own niche, its own environment, to feed itself, no one had ever looked at," says Dr. Bhatia, whose work was published in the July 14, 2007 online edition of the journal Nature.

Recent studies have shown that the consumption of a product called Colostrum can assist in the production of adult vsel cells. Colostrum has been used by sporting people to produce extra energy and by body builders to produce more muscle for ages already but now it also seems to help adult s t e m cell production.

So if you have Scleroderma, Shingles, Stress or Stroke. If you are suffering (or know anybody who is) from High Blood Pressure, HIV/AIDS, Cystic Fibrosis or Fibromyalgia, then I urge you to start surfing the internet in order to find more information about, what in my opinion is the greatest medical discovery ever: adult Stem Cell Therapy.

When the tissues grow very large, the tendency is for them to force the fetus into unnatural positions. Malpresentation is the medical term for this and is always watched closely by the obstetrician when it is discovered. This does not always mean there is cause for alarm. Obstruction of labor may also be caused by the cell growths invading the birth canal. In these cases a cesarean birth is necessary. These cases are not common either, but they do occur.

Four months after the Adult Stem Cells were implanted back into Loraine, she was able to walk again. These days Loraine is a happy woman. She can now spend more time with her family and is back teaching science again at her school. All of this was made possible by advances in Adult Stem Cell research.

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